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Monday, October 5, 2015

I'm back, back in the New York Groove

Hey there stranger! 

I am going to apologize upfront for my two month posting hiatus. I know, I know poor form on my part. I promise to be better.

ANYWHO. After a pretty crazy two months of travel I was finally able to spend this past weekend enjoying fall in NYC and as always, it didn't disappoint. The highlights included trying a new gluten free restaurant By Chloe, posting up for the Giants game at Fools Gold and taking a cocktail making class at Havens Kitchen. This is the third class I have taken at Haven's Kitchen and highly recommend checking it out if you haven't been yet-- the classes also make for great wedding gifts :) Below is a step-by-step guide for making a Whiskey Sour. Enjoy!

1. Bourbon
2. Lemon
3. Simple Syrup
4. Egg White

1. Crack an egg and pour in only the egg white
2. Pour in 3/4 of an ounce of simple syrup
3. Pour in 3/4 of an ounce of lemon juice
4. Pour in 2 ounces of bourbon
5. Shake with a shaker tin
6. Add ice cubes to the top of the cup
6. Shake with a shaker tin
7. Use a hawthorn strainer and pour into a rocks glass
8. Add orange slice and cherry garnish
9. Enjoy!


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