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Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Happy February and Happy Valentines Day week to all you lovers out there! I am headed to SF for the long weekend to visit my best friend and cannot WAIT! #galentines 

In the spirit of the season, I wanted to share a quiz that helps you discover your "love language". I know what your thinking...... Molly SPARE me! BUT, we all show and receive love in different ways and doing this quiz will help you understand what you want//need from a partner and how you show your love in return. 

After taking the quiz I realized that my love language is quality time....  had I known this a long time ago I may have thought twice before being in a long distance relationship. Take the quiz and find out what works best for YOU!

The 5 Languages of Love are pretty straightforward and outlined below. 
  • 1. Words of Affirmation: Expressing affection through spoken affection, praise, or appreciation.
  • 2. Acts of Service: Actions, rather than words, are used to show and receive love.
  • 3. Receiving Gifts: Gifting is symbolic of love and affection.
  • 4. Quality Time: Expressing affection with undivided, undistracted attention.
  • 5. Physical Touch: It can be sex or holding hands. With this love language, the speaker feels affection through physical touch.

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