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Friday, January 15, 2016

Call me Betty Crocker

Congratulations we made it through the first two weeks of 2016. And more importantly, we made it to a long weekend. Raise the ROOF!!!!!!!

One of my goals for Q1 was to cook//bake//do something beyond use a microwave or toaster once a week. My sister recommended I try her Paleo Banana Bread recipe because 1) I am Celiac and 2) it is tough for me to find gluten free baked goods that do not taste dense or gummy. 

Lets just say this is a game changer. If you are into soft, spongy goodness RUN don't walk to your oven to give this a shot.

Paleo Banana Bread
-3/4 teaspoon baking soda
-3/4 teaspoon baking powder
-1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
-1 teaspoon cinnamon
-3/4 cup almond flour
-1/14 cup coconut flour
-2 tablespoons melted coconut oil
-2 large eggs
-3 ripe medium bananas
-1/4 cup maple syrup
-1 teaspoon vanilla extract

-Preheat oven 350 degrees and prepare 9x5 loaf pan
-In a medium bowl, whisk together baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg and flours.
-In a separate bowl, mix coconut oil, eggs, banana, maple syrup, vanilla
-Mix bowls
-Pour batter into pan and bake 45-55 minutes

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Year, New Me

Happy New Year! It is hard to believe the holidays have come and gone and we are already in 2016.

I spent the last two weeks in Argentina with my family (more on that to come!) and we went around the table on NYE to say what accomplishment we were each most proud of in 2015 and what our ideal outcome is for 2016. When it was finally my turn, I found it really challenging to articulate (or even conceptualize) an ideal goal or outcome for 2016. The main reason being, a LOT can happen in a year!!!!

With that in mind, I have decided to make quarterly goals instead of year long resolutions for 2016. I have enlisted two friends to do the same and we plan to share our quarterly goals with each other and recap how we did at the end to hold each other accountable..... talk about #squadgoals.

Cheers to Q1!


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